A few key points from today:
- The purpose of meditation is for alignment and release. It allows the broader part of you to be the dominant vibrational offerer at that point in time. This is the basis of what you want and from there, all that what you want will come into fruition (i.e. physical manifestation). Meditation isn’t a withdrawing from life, it’s a connecting with who you are and then living the fullness of life.
- Feel the difference between peace and exhilaration. Your goal isn’t to be peaceful but to be an outrageous, powerful creator!
- Inner guidance is specific and personalized to you and your journey. The guidance you offer to those around you/others have for you isn’t that relevant and doesn’t even usually have much to offer in the grand scope. You are individually tuned and wired for you. Get in the receptive mode and lead from example. Your inner being is always calling you to what you want, not pushing or guarding against.
- Most everyone is pushing against each other and little wisdom comes from any of that. You are the creator of your own reality, they (your government) are not!.
- You can be strong enough (hopefully) to be in a group of negative people and be sure within self that they needn’t detract from your well being. There are many people who don’t know what you know (that life is meant to be fun, easy and good), the best opportunity to maintain stability is where focus is required (i.e. a difficult situation). What is most important is what you do to prepare yourself before being with the rest of the world. Law Of Attraction will sort out how often (or not) you have those rendezvous with friends and those in your life.
- Some things to take home: my thoughts matter a lot. I am broadcasting by what I think and say, what am I willing to broadcast? Am I wanting to be a sounding board for my friends for what they don’t want. Or do I want to give my friends the best of me. It is to your advantage to prepave before these encounters!
- Be your own path of least resistance, know you have your own too.
How wonderful!
OMG, it really has been the most amazing of times here on the Celebrity Solstice. Words cannot even begin to express how exhilarating this journey has been (thus far). The food, food, food (did I mention food?!) has been soooooo delicious. Countless rendezvouses with old and new friends, dancing til 2-4am each night! Leading edge conversations, lectures, seeing new sights and sounds, mixing with the friendly locals in each place, enjoying the ship, the islands, my private beaches, the laughs, music, pool parties, Halloween costume parties, the sand, the ocean, my lovely room, private tea sessions, synchronicities, the wonderful staff, future plans, an infinite abundance of all goodness. And did I mention the food???!!! Lol!!!
Looking forward to much, much more!!!
Pics and vids hopefully to be posted at some point!!!
Happy adventure-ing!!!
All is so very well!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx