- Life is and should be easy! Or at least in theory ha! Things are supposed to go well for you. And similar to what the guy said in Exotic Marigold Hotel, if it isn't, it's not yet the end! If we can work a bit of ease, flow and relaxation into our beingnesses, then life would feel a lot more enjoyable and things would flow so nicely. Just take a deep breath, acknowledge you're doing the best you can in any given moment and that's all you can do. This too shall pass.
- The power lies within- this is an exceptional reminder or new thing to accept. You have all you need within you to create the life you want. It's just a matter of accepting it and aligning with who you really are.
- Signs of alignment- make an intention to see a sign of alignment then let go. It could be finding a penny, seeing a rainbow, a significant bird, whatever is important to you. The Universe will deliver it to you in the perfect time-space sequence when you're ready for it. Just trust!
- Meditation can be anything. It doesn't have to be this rigid thing where you sit in perfect posture in perfect silence with a perfect mind. If you find that impossible, try it with music, a guided visualisation. Dancing, watching a movie, eating- anything can be meditation if you take the time to calm the mind and be absorbed in the moment. All it serves is to release your negative attention from it all and allow your vibration to rise.
- Anxiety, OCD, eating disorders, stress etc all usually stem from the main causes- negative thinking, fear, not feeling good enough, self criticism etc. That's why having a positive, powerful mindset to feel better is so important!
All is well!!!
Happy meditate-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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