A few thoughts from the evening:
- Rant and rave but give it a deadline! If you're going to get upset and angry, that's fine but try giving it a time limit. Once this is up, mentally draw a line under it! It allows you to express yourself but not get sucked in!
- Don't let yourself get sucked into other people's negative energy. Your joy and mental well being are priceless, so do your best to keep in a good mental place. If people are saying stuff you don't agree with. You can say mentally 'that may be true for you but it's not for me!'
- Allow time to allow! The more you try to push for something the more likely it is to elude you. Consciously relax and get off the subject! As you do your vibration will chill!
All is well!!!
Happy allow-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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