I love learning about different things so it's interesting to watch them complete different clothes tasks, creating, altering and other bits and pieces.
I am amazed at the terminology, technique, skill and precision that they require! A 'simple' top that needed to be made in 'basic' week 1 looked so complicated- there was the lining up of the chevron design, working with volatile and stable materials and trying to make something that looked half decent. It made me appreciate what goes into making clothes!
We often advise you appreciate the simple things such: hot water, roof over your head, clothes you're wearing. But we really take it for granted. If you stop for a minute to think all the work that was involved in creating it, your level of appreciation would go through the roof.
And that can only be great for your vibration! Tons of appreciation. Take the time to see the miracle in all that surrounds you!
All is well!!!
Happy sew-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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