Whilst you and I may feel that is quite an excessive amount to spend, when he spoke about why he did it, it was because as a youngster he was teased. He had a large nose and was quite overweight etc...
So at the heart of it, all he wanted to do was feel better about himself. Now you and I may not agree with how he went about it (self love and all that crap can be just as effective! Lol) but still, he was just reaching for whatever he could to help him be more confident within self.
And that dear friends, is at the heart of your desires- to feel good, to feel better. It really is! But we want you to make it an inside job if possible and make it your priority, as opposed to trying to fix what's outside. Because that can be a bit of a never ending task, because there'll always be something or someone you'd like to change to feel better but it isn't possible!
We want you to change your thoughts and feelings and be in control, so you can feel better first and foremost. This really is the key to a life well lived. Things will flow, turn out easier and you'll be dancing through life with greater greatness! Take our word for it.
Make that your minute by minute goal and see how your surroundings change (or at least your perception of it). Now we're talking!
All is so very well!!!
Happy better-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx