So after a wonderful group last night, I woke up today and BOOM, I had so much to do, whizzing round and madness! Got to work and it was mad busy and dealing with some less than happy customers!!!
This came up last night. What do you do when you're having one of those days/extreme contrast?!
Well first of all thank youself for being aware of how you feel. Most of the world out there, ignores negative emotion, lets it run, then BOOM crazy manifestation occurs!!!
And then, this is when your distraction techniques come in. Listen to some uplifting music, read a book, take some deep breaths, watch a movie. Do whatever it takes to get you in a good place to at least break the spell! Because it's likely too hard to reach for appreciation when you're peed off!
Take a toilet break and just take a few mins to breathe. All is well. Take a short nap (if you can!) during your lunch break. Or if all else, just let the day ride out and as soon as you get home, treat yourself to a relaxing meal and some fun ents!
When you're used to feeling so good, so often, a bit of negative emotion goes a long way! Just know that in the bigger picture, you are adding more and more to your vibrational well being.
It can be easy to go into victim mode (I know I can!) when things are going wonky. Nowadays, instead of trying to track how I attracted it, I work to feel better as soon as I can. Although, if it is a reoccurring issue, then it might be worth digging around and seeing how you can lift your vibration (this is when the processes come in handy and when you're in a good place!).
Anyhoo, just breathe and relax and know that somehow, somewhere it's all tipping in your favour.
Happy contrasting!!!
All is so very well! There is infinite love here for you, Nick Xxx