WHAT: This is a spending game where you mentally spend up to 100 of your currency repeatedly. Go round your day (you can keep the actual money in your pocket if it feels more fun) and just think to yourself, ‘I will spend £100 on this and this, in that shop and in that restaurant’. If you do this 100 times a day, you’ve mentally spent £10,000.
EXAMPLE: In my local convenience store: £20 on a bottle of wine, £10 on cake, £30 meats, £10 on potato crisps. At the Chinese takeout: £60 for a meal for 2 people. At the Apple store: £30 for a HDMI cable, £25 for a new pair of headphones. And so on…
WHY: You are expanding your consciousness. Spending smaller amounts repeatedly is easier for some. As we go about our day, it’s very easy to think ‘I can’t afford that, I have to sacrifice this to be able to buy that.’ Instead this gives you the mentality of ‘If I wanted to, I could…’ A whole different vibration and this will raise your vibration to receive more.
All is well!!!
Happy spend-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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