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NAME OF PROCESS: Your One Step Towards It
WHAT: This process is to help you get on the ladder to bring you closer to a goal. Make a list of the things you’d like to achieve and then simply write your first, easy step towards it. That’s all you need to do, take the smallest step in the direction of it.
EXAMPLE: Find a new satisfying job – browse jobs online.
Eat healthier – buy and eat one green vegetable
Find a partner – visualize for 1 minute what my dream date would be like
Win the lottery – buy a ticket! (Fun!)
Be kinder to my workmates – thank one person for one thing at work today
WHY: Sometimes we have all these dreams and goals but either we’re scared or just don’t know how to get there. This process is to help you take a little baby step towards what you are wanting. And hopefully, as you do it, you’ll want to do more. It’s to help move past the procrastination- sometimes we make such a big deal of things in our minds that we just are put off it altogether, so we don’t bother at all. This just helps make things more real if you are finding it difficult to get started towards something you’d like. Keep the first step easy and do able, this way you’re more likely to carry it forward. Just say to yourself ‘I’ll just do this thing and that’s it. If I do more great, if not then that’s fine to.’ Keep encouraging yourself and have fun!
All is well!!!
Happy step-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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