He states (like many of us do) ‘If one day I’m lucky enough to get an award for this or a good review for that, then all the fear will go away. I’ll have the affirmation I need and I’ll get to be completely confident and won’t that be great? Man, it’s a rude awakening to realise that’s not the case.’
You would’ve thought if anyone had the confirmation that he’s a good director it would be him. Especially being the youngest person to ever win an Oscar for direction!
But he fell into the when-then game. ‘When such and such happens, then I’ll be happy!’ When you lose the weight, get the money, job, partner or whatever then you can relax. But that usually is not the case because you follow you wherever you go. If you’re happy now, it stands to reason you’ll be happy later. If you’re miserable now, you’ll find something to be miserable about later!
Do your best to appreciate all your good now and release the need to have things change. That’s true enlightenment.
All is well!!!
Happy direct-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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