I've always had a knack for finding things (huge thanks for to my wonderful Ortho-K lenses for my sharp vision!). And being the conscious creator, I am currently loving finding pennies around (and don't even get me started on 2p coins- that's a 100% uplift!) lol.
It's not much but it's something. And it got me thinking, thoughts can be like pennies- it's easy to disregard, one here and another there but it adds up and before you know it, there's a deluge of what you've built up.
It's quite easy to think the odd thought such as 'I'm too fat/thin/ugly/stupid/not good enough/I'll never be good at that etc' But when you have some 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them (some researcher's say as much as 98%!) were the same as the previous day, which were the same as the previous day and so on, that single negative thought becomes a lifetime habit already!
So start now, not tomorrow, or next year, but now! Collect those singular positive thoughts, things you'd like to believe about yourself and watch them grow, until that becomes your dominant vibration and then Law Of Attraction can bring you your good stuff!
All is well!!!
Happy penny-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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