Taking a more objective view of life and people (when you've had some distance) and know that even the dastardly ones among you are unconditionally loved by Source (oh yes they are!).
And when you look back on their childhood or how they were treated, you'll probably realise that is why they turned out as funky as they did!
I was speaking to a fellow psychologist and she said that serial killers and such which, never developed empathy because of their childhood, hence their inability to relate and kill mercilessly.
Hopefully you won't encounter anyone that extreme but the principle is the same.
At the end of the day you want to be selfish. Selfish to feel good and screw the rest! Letting go of anything or anyone who has hurt you will serve you all the better. The best revenge is a life well lived!
Pay attention to how you feel, making feeling good your top priority. And at the end of the day, this life experience is a flash in the pan to who you really are.
All is well!!
Happy forgive-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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