He is now married to his partner of almost ten years but who he would never have gone out with in a million years!
He said that his partners selfies were awful and didn't show how stunningly handsome he was. So Radleigh didn't feel that intimidation that would've kicked in otherwise!
But when they met for dinner, he couldn't catch his breath nor look at him! Luckily they connected and now they're living happily ever after, we hope!
Sometimes we look at something and we immediately talk ourselves out of it for whatever reason. We think we're not good enough for it or we'll lose it or whatever. If we can somehow work that voice into something more encouraging and positive then we are far more likely to align with our goodies and goodness!
Don't be the block to your wonderful manifestations! You've got more than enough people who would do that ha!
All is well!!!
Happy selfie-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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