Anyhoo, they were talking about how wildly complicated the logistics were of the show, the staging and the performance. Denee was saying that some of her cast mates run the equivalent of 60 flights of stairs in the show, singing, acting and playing instruments- how do they do it?! She stated that if she was ever asked to just stand and deliver lines it would be an amazingly easy thing to do! Sally Field then commented how she wouldn't complain about having to push her castmate up in her wheelchair.
Life is all relative, what's easy to one person is a complete challenge to another. And vice versa. That's why it's no good to compare yourself to anyone else- everyone has completely different life experiences.
As Abe says, your only measurement in life should be where you are in comparison to where you want to be. Trying to factor another person in or out into your experience is just not productive to your well being, especially if you're comparing yourself unfavourably. Now that really is going about life in a hard way!
Find things about you and your life that you love and try not to complain at all. Relax into your well being and know that all you have now is just a blip of the eternalness that is you!
All is well!!!
Happy comet-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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