You came here to co create but you didn't come here to rely solely upon... In other words, by the very nature of you being in this world, you will bump, collide with other people but they are definitely not the be all and end all of your existence.
Once you let go of the need for anyone to behave in a certain way, then you free yourself to live a lighter, brighter life. You see your fellow person as a tool for which you can draw focus but you don't need them to be a specific way for you to feel good.
You want to be independent- to think your own thoughts, feelings and act in the way your gut, your intuition and inner being inspires you to.
You also want to be interdependent (not co dependent!)- to share this wonderful world with all the beautiful people surrounding you.
The trick is to set your point of attraction first, before you look out into the world. Then from that stance, allow the Law Of Attraction to bring to you, the places, people and circumstances which match that. To see the best there is in everyone and love as much as you can.
That doesn't mean you become a doormat, nor does it mean you try to control everything outside of you! It means aligning with you and you, then enjoying all that follows.
The only reason things feel bad when you focus upon them, is because you are viewing it from a view that is different from the Source within you- who sees the best, who feels only love and goodness and wellness.
So make that your goal- to try to be happy no matter what or who. And then watch things flow your way!
All is well!
Happy independence-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx