What it has shown me is that as long as you're in the vibrational vicinity of what you want, then it can manifest. I 'knew' I'd be going on the Abraham Hicks cruise this year (despite it being sold out!), I just had so little doubt that I figured it was only a matter of time before someone cancelled which would leave it open for me. I even booked the flights before securing a place on the ship.
However, had it not happened then it wouldn't have been the end of the world. I wasn't hugely phased in the grand scheme of things, if I didn't end up going.
As it happened, I got the place the day after I met a good friend for a Vortex coffee!
It showed me that when you're in the vibrational vicinity of something and the bigger power deems it for your highest good (or whatever), then it can happen and with relative ease!
However, if you do have doubt or you're not feeling as confident about a subject, then your work is to get yourself up to speed. This means taking your attention completely off the subject or better yet, doing some emotional work to feel better. This could take anywhere between minutes or years depending on how deeply rooted the issue is.
But the key is to know, nothing is stuck or fixed. You have the ability to change whenever you desire. Just focus on getting yourself up to speed. Not for the manifestation but because you wish to feel good about life!
All is well!!!
Happy speed-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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Liverpool Group: http://www.meetup.com/LOA-LIVERPOOL/
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Brighton Group: http://www.meetup.com/abe-brighton/
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