My small sample is not particularly representative of the whole world (of YouTube) and beyond, but it seemed to be a consistent pattern.
I guess it's because our entire existence is based on our relationship- with things, to each other, with our parents, children, lovers, partners and all that. So I'm presuming it would be the cause of most contrast!
I also take it for granted that for the most part, the majority of the time, my relationships are harmonious, I'm quite selective about who I spend a lot of time with and avoid conflict or places where I don't feel comfortable. I have a low pain threshold for being somewhere I don't feel good and I've learned to trust that and have tools in place to help me realign if I've been thrown out of well being.
For me, the key to relationships is to see the best in all, know they are doing all they can to live a better feeling life and not asking one person to be all things. But instead, gleaning the best from this person and here and there.
Letting go of someone needing to be in a certain way for you to feel better, will save you so much in stress. Withdraw your attention from them, or do your best to see the positive aspects in them. That is the work!
All is well!!!
Happy relationship-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx