I believe, more importantly is that it's keeping your word and commitment that's what's most vital. Simply, being in alignment. Nothing will trip you up more than crossed energy. That is- if you say you'll do something but don't, or vice versa and do something that you believe you 'shouldn't.'
You have to sync up your thoughts, words and actions. When all of these are in alignment, then there's no stopping you for sure! It's honouring who you are. So if you don't feel like going out with a friend, then don't, or at least give yourself time to decide, by telling them you'll check your diary and not having to make an on the spot decision that you'll later regret.
You needn't push yourself way out of whack to have some sort of benefit. We encourage the gently, gently approach. Susan Cain (introvert queen), recommends carving out 'restorative niches.' These involve doing things which you may not be completely comfortable with, but you believe will be good for you, and then being sure to be able to return to your comfortable state when possible. For example, if you don't like networking events but you believe it would help with your business or project etc, then go along and intend to make one or two solid contacts or people you connect with. Or set a time limit- after 1 hour you'll see how it goes, if you're having fun, carry on, it not, then leave for the comfort of your own home.
Be sure to tend to your needs first and foremost- then you will be of greatest assistance to yourself and those around you. And then you can have your cake and eat it!
All is well!!!
Happy cake-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx