It is imperative that you listen to your wants and needs in life because your relationship with you is the most important. As parents, carers, employees etc, there are others involved in your life and whilst they make take precedence for a good chunk of your day, you also need some down time for you. Just carve out a little bit of your day to do what you love, you enjoy and/or reflect upon what's important to you.
Find a group, sport, hobby, anything that you enjoy and do it! That small period of time in distraction and refreshment will yield magnificent dividends in the long term. We can sometimes get in our own head too much and things can stew and stew.
As Abe says- hit the refresh button on yourself and allow the goodness to flow.
If you need a supportive ear then seek out those people, those groups (online or in person) who will help you focus on the solution and provide a refreshing perspective on anything you may be going through.
Cheryl says 'Don't go to the hardware store for milk!' That is to say- don't go looking for love and advice in all the wrong places. Abe advocates spending more time 'under the bridge.' Be lazy!
Chillout, you're doing your best.
All is so very well with you!
Happy refresh-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx