Well, a few minutes later some seemingly grumpy guy sits down, sort of kicks my leg and stuff over! Charming!!! Well I never! Lol.
I was going to snap, but I calmed myself down and caught myself. Remembering a technique Cheryl Richardson used on her hubby, I just closed my eyes, opened my hand and just thought 'sending you love.' He knows nothing about me or anything, so there's no point me getting angry at him.
I just kept sending him love, sending him love and light. Breathed deep and relaxed. When I stood to get up, he kindly moved out of the way and I said out loud and deliberately 'Thank you very much.'
I'm not sure if anything about his attitude changed but it didn't matter. Mine had- for the most part!
The thing is you can spit out as much venom and hate as you want (in some cases it may feel more empowering), but realise ultimately that it's your mind and body which is suffering, not theirs. So the effect is ultimately detrimental towards you.
Love thine enemy because it serves you. We are not saying be a doormat and take any old crap. We are saying that you become strong within self so you're not in a position to be a doormat.
Send them love because that's what is good for you at the end of the day.
All is well!!!
Happy love-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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