Anyways, I had to get ready for work so I got my other bits done and whizzed out the flat. I was on my way to work when I remembered my earlier zip troubles. But I looked down and I had already zipped it up! I must've done it automatically in my rush to get ready, which I thought was so funny- I hadn't even done it consciously nor remembered doing it!
At some point when we've tried all we can try, it's good to just allow some distance from an issue and let it sort itself out. When we move from focusing on the problem so much, we are able to allow in a solution which may not even be something we have to conjure up in a conscious manner.
Source and our inner being know the answer before we even do, for it has already lined it up vibrationally. Our job is to somehow get into the mode of allowing. It might mean distracting ourselves, it could be going out dancing, having a great conversation with a friend. Just give the situation some time to breathe and let the answer come with ease and flow.
All is well!!!
Happy zip-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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