It never fails to surprise or delight me how this all works! I got everyone to do my fave post-it exercise. You get a small post it note and write a few things you'd like. It can be anything at all- more joy, pennies on the floor, more abundance, a new partner etc... And you can either forget about it, post it on your wall, your fridge or whatever floats your boat.
I wrote down 'extra money from work,' as I was due some pay but didn't want to faff around chasing it. This morning, some extra hours crop up in another dept at my office and within a few emails, bam! They're able to around my schedule and everything! It never fails to amaze how by spending some time in a group positivityness can yield tremendous manifestation results. I get so much out of these groups- it's just so lovely!
The power of affirmations also came up. These are positive statements that reflect where you would to be in life and what you like to experience.
They should be P-full! They should be Positive (not with things like 'I don't want' or 'I no longer'), Personal to you- e.g. 'I am abundant', 'Things are always working out for me' and Present tense (not future based e.g. 'I am now...' not 'One day I will').
Keep up the great work peoples! Get out there, mix it up, live life and try it all- you never know what will help tip the scales in your vibrational favour!
All is well!!!
Happy Brum-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx