Thank you to everyone who joined us for our amazing Heal Your Life Experience Meetup workshop ting!!!
It was an amazing, powerful group of souls, who came to take their lives to the next level. Thank you for your authenticity, bravery and strength in coming along and sharing the very best of who you are! We love you so much and we can't wait for the next one in August!!!
I started with a fun abundance game. Write a magical cheque for a huge amount and then vibrationally spend it. You can invest/donate/spend/save it- it's your free choice to do what you will with it. As long as you're activating the feeling of prosperity and abundance and 'I could have that if I wanted- how fabulous it feels!' Then you're definitely going about it in the most beneficial way to your vibration.
I then covered Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. At the basis of each fear is that you can't handle it. Once you can get your head round that, not only will you grow stronger but you'll want to do more once you get out there.
Just work it into a better feeling place and kapow! You'll be living it up!
Maria then spoke about control- how it biologically goes back to when we first needed those survival skills. But the other type of control which can serve us is trust. Being able to fully trust in yourself/life/those around you, will loosen up the stress and control freakishness we so love to have haha! We then did a trust exercise- walking round the room with our eyes closed, being led only by the voice of someone we had paired with. How wonderful it was!
Gunita led a powerful EFT/Tapping session. Explaining the mechanics behind Tapping, touching on the meridians and acupuncture points whilst speaking statements of intent. Acknowledging what to work on and then shifting it to positive statements. An incredibly uplifting technique to be tried by all!
What a blessed day! Thank you for being amazing and coming forward and being open!
Happy HYLE-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx