A few highlights from the evening:
- Positivity (and negativity) can be like a domino effect. You start off tripping with one and it sets a whole load of them in motion. And before you know it, a whole load of them have been affected. Start somewhere with some positivity then see how it grows and grows. But it's that first trip which sets it all off.
- Showing up is most of the work! If you want change, then you have to affect change. It can be scary trying something new for the first time, but you gotta show up and see what happens. It could change your life! And even if not, you've learned a little bit more about what does and doesn't do it for you. It's all learning anyhoo.
- Feel as much gratitude and appreciation as you can. The Universe is like a friend who buys you a gift, if you express appreciation and how much you love it, then it'll bring more of it to you. If you sit there complaining and griping all the time, then odds are, you'll get more crap which matches your vibration ha!
- Especially if you're part of this school of thought then it's incredibly likely you have a higher degree of sensitivity. When it works, it's great, you can help others and yourself as you have a more developed intuition but it also means you have to take responsibility for your well being and that means putting yourself first before others at times- something you may not be comfortable with but is necessary for your well being. For when you are whole, you have so much more to give everyone!
All is well!!!
Happy sense-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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