First of all a big round of applause to Gunita for launching her BWEC group today (inspired by yours truly!). It was a beautifully warm circle of ladies who came and supported each other and took life to new heights!!!
And a huge wonderful thank you to the amazing, beautiful, fabulous people who came along to our first HYL/LOA group. As always, a really wonderful, warm, supportive fab bunch of people.
We had a wonderful mix of people- a business lady, card designer, a 90 year old, the list goes on! A most brilliant afternoon.
We did my fave money and cheque game. These are magical fun cheques that you can download from 'The Secret' website. Write a huge amount and then think of all the wonderful ways you can distribute it- Spend/Save/Invest/Donate. Feel that wonderful feeling of abundance and prosperity flowing to you and through you. You begin to realise your priorities- maybe you like sharing and nurturing, perhaps you don't need much at all to make you happy or even, that it's about high time you treat yourself and take care of you! All this helps you do is free up your thinking and expand your consciousness.
We then looked at things which help relax you and things which you enjoy.
It's so important to spend time doing what you enjoy. Things that you love, which feed your soul and relax you. As we grow older and get caught up with children, mortgages, jobs etc it can be really easy to be sucked in and lose yourself. But as a wonderful nutritionist once said so me 'You matter too!' So first, work out what you enjoy and second, carve out some time to do it!
As you do more good feeling things, you'll feel brighter and more vibrant, as you feel better, you'll draw more good stuff to you. And the cycle continues!
Thank you all so much, keep up the amazing work, the connections and friendships which are now in place.
Go forth and have fun!!!
Happy Huddersfield-ing!!!
All my love, Nick Xxx