I really like that thought from Abraham. It basically states that it doesn't matter who or how many people disagree with you or think you are wrong, the only issues comes about if you try to push back!
That's quite the mental image that comes to mind! You could be surrounded by those who think you're completely wrong (Trump anyone?!) but as long as you choose not to use your energy trying to convince them otherwise, then you're doing great!
You'll burn yourself out if you try to change the mind of this one, then that one. And even if you could, there'll always be someone out there with a different opinion from yourself.
The trick is to focus solely on your dreams and desires and then align with that. If you can do that, life will flow a lot easier and be a lot smoother, just factor everyone else out!
All is well!!!
Happy push-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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