Anyhoo, even if it was a bit sheet for you, it's time to dust it down, shake it off and plan for an amazing 2016!
I'm quite a fan of New Year's resolutions and intentions. It just helps give me that little bit of focus for the year and lends to expansion and commitment. I think it's also quite important to be true and authentic to you. So, if you say you're going to do something, you do and vice versa. It's when your energy is split that things tend to go funky.
To be honest, I can't even remember many of my resolutions from the beginning of this year. But I am proud to say that I have pretty much kept to my main one, which was 'try new/different things.' Going general has helped me keep committed to it than probably something more specific that I was likely to give up on because it wasn't do able.
Under the banner of 'new/different' I completed it in many different ways- from trying sports- hockey, volleyball, badminton, to exploring new areas of the world- Asia and Australia, to a new, delicious cake from Patisserie Valerie almost every month!
It has been incredibly fun, enjoyable and expansive. Somethings I will carry forward and repeat, others I needn't visit again and can check off my list.
I believe that this life is purely for the experience. So ultimately it doesn't matter what you or don't do, all is truly well. But, why not give it your best shot and do all you can to extract the most from it?
So try it if you so desire. Pick a couple of general and specific intentions and see which you ones you resonate more with e.g. I'm going to live healthier vs doing more exercise vs I'm going to visit the gym at least once a week. See at what level you work best and are most comfortable. I found that just keeping that generality to my goal, I've managed to see it through til the year end- it was only a few days ago I visited a Bhangra club, definitely different but good fun! See how you get on. Maybe write them on a post it and place where you will regularly see it to act as a reminder. Follow the fun and see where it leads you.
All is so well!!!
Happy resolute-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx