I think somehow, someway, it is infinitely important to have trust in something greater. To know that you are being divinely guided and life is working out in your favour, will help you release a lot of worry and concern and control issues!
It can be incredibly disconcerting when your plans fall through but just envisage that things are always working out for you!
For me, when it comes to really important things, ultimately the Universe has my back. So I really should let go of my control freaky ness ha! Easier said than done but anyhoo...
A very recent example was a little while ago, we'd been booked on a family trip, was mega excited, been planning it for ages and all that good stuff!
But then my gran got really ill just before. It was her last days sorta thing and we were unsure what to do as it was still quite early days of the onset. Anyhoo, my parents made that decision for us and said we were not allowed to go! I got a little bit annoyed (about being told what to do, as opposed to having to be around for my gran! I'm not that spoilt... ish!).
Anyhoo, I kept trying to keep in the trusting mindset and thinking maybe it was protecting us from something that might've gone wrong on holiday or maybe my gran would pass in that time.
So, the days passed, sad but uneventful. It was on the last day, when we would've got back (and probably have been too tired to have visited her), that she passed. It was then that it became crystal clear why the Universe had orchestrated it for us to not go.
It strongly reaffirmed for me that the all-that-is has me covered. The guilt we would've felt had we gone away and probably not seen my gran would've haunted us forever ever (?!).
In a world of parallel realities who would really know what would've happened had we gone away, but still. As things stood, we got to see her just before she transitioned, which made for a smoother experience for all involved (parental emotional blackmail anyone?! Ha!).
But yes, trust, trust, trust dear ones. You might not be getting what you want and/or you maybe upset about things but you need to let go and know it's all going to be ok.
And that is the downstream good feeling thing to reach for anyways!
All is well!!!
Happy trust-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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