Abe offered some soothing advice saying to acknowledge how good life is now! By saying to yourself 'I win the lottery everyday, in all ways!' You begin to align with the high vibration of love and appreciation.
It can be really easy to get caught up in the creations and manifestations that we want (which is cool!) but we lose focus on how much we have going for us now. Food on the table, a roof over our head, water, flushing toilets, loved ones, clothes, technology, the Internet and so on... There is so much goodness in and around us that we fail to notice (until it gets taken away from us!).
You are winning the lottery all day, everyday, in all ways. There is so much going for you, than there isn't, it just may take some effort to realise it. But when you do, you'll be so happy, appreciative and grateful, you won't even need to lottery! In which case, you probably will!
All is well!!!
Happy lottery-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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