In either case you need to follow your true heart's calling, for your intuition, your gut knows far better for you than anything or anyone 'out there.'
I was watching a BBC Iplayer documentary about gender roles and they went far far back to the time of the Catalhoyuk (pronounced Cha-tal-hyurk!). From studying their bones and shizzle they came to the conclusion that they were wildly egalitarian and all were equal. Both genders did the same work and ate the same food.
Going from the burial grounds they found that it was more community than family based, those close to each other were not linked by genetics.
How interesting! Although I'm sure that that type of community came with its own set of issues, I do wonder how everyone lived their lives and how much of the same would be compared to how we live our lives now.
So, the point I'm trying to make here is that try not to let what others outside of yourself dictate how you should live. Society and the world are always changing as to what is deemed acceptable and 'good' and if you don't fit the mould, then don't let anyone tell you, you aren't worthy etc...
Be strong, be true to yourself and live your happy life!
Happy society-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx