Still in the concert DVD mode, I watched Beyoncé's 'I am...' World tour. I love how I can expand my consciousness from the comfort of my own iPad lol
She intersperses real life clips with concert performances. And at one part, she's going through a designer shopping mall, tons of camera phones going off in her face and comments that 'It's kinda like being in a fish bowl.' That she feels she has to constantly smile otherwise someone might mistake her for a mean person...
Cut to an enraged person, calling Beyoncé a bitch as she saw him in the Prada store but seemed to ignore him even though he's a huge fan of hers! Thankfully, he gets to meet her and declares his love for her...
Curioser!!! I read an autobiography (someone famous, can't remember exactly who...) ages ago and they said the same thing. They were having a rough day as some family issues were going down, a fan accosted him for an autograph and he's like 'Erm not now!' And the fan switched on him!
The message here is, you just don't know what's going on in someone else's life! It's usually the case that even though it may seem like they are acting negatively towards you it's got nothing to do with you. And even if they is being a toss pot, it's highly likely that they're going through something tough and/or they are just generally in a negative place. All you can do, as I like to say, is 'Send them love!' Easier said than done I know but still! Your energies would serve you far more to offer a wee bit o' compassion!
All is well!
Happy Beyoncé-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
I was in a bit of the DVD concert mood and watched Celine's 3 hour fest (over several days, not in one go!), absolutely incredible the work that goes into these shows! It really highlights the power of their vibration- as Abe say- there aren't enough man hours in the day to try to attract the millions and millions of fans these artists have. We had a family event the other day and our food ordering went awry! Father was saying his way was right and mother had quite obviously made the mistake... (Although she'll be damned if she accepts the blame for it lol!). As the magical phrase which Louise Hay heard that changed her entire beingness 'If you change your thinking, you can change your life!' It's true! Treat life like a beautiful cruise ship tour... Eat what you like and leave the rest!!! Xxx26/6/2015 So today was a wonderful adventure aboard the magnificent Royal Princess cruise ship! These are tours of a few hours just to give you a taster of it. It is one of Princess' newest ships- maiden voyaged in 2013 with the Kate Middleton as its Godmother, it is truly lovely! The price of pushing against- an iPod Nano... And for everything else there's MasterCard!!! Xxx25/6/2015 So, as Abe says, there's really two ways to know where you're vibrating: 1/ How you feel 2/ By looking around you at what manifests. In an ideal world, you'd be living most of your life by number 1- because this is your most powerful indicator, but hey, just do your best with the intent to learn and expand. So following on from the finance ting, we covered the importance of diversification. When your investing, this is crucial- have a wide portfolio of assets so if anything happens to anyone of them and there's a market crash, then you've got the support of the others, so you're not completely wiped out. Today was back at finance course. Totally loving it! It really really reinforced to me, when there's a good teacher and willing student, the sky's the limit! The subject is still huge and goes beyond me, but bit by bit, I'm getting more of a solid foundation. It helps immensely to keep revisiting and learning and topping up. Keep your head in the game! This rings true and maybe even more so for this consciousness thing. It's very easy to get sucked into the daily drama around us but I really believe it's invaluable to have as many reminders to keep us focused. If that means going to a group regularly, listening to YouTube/audio clips, reading books etc just keep learning. 'Stay hungry, stay foolish' as Steve Jobs recommends! Next week is probably the last week of the course- how am I gonna live?! It's really nice to keep learning and incresing my knowledge. On a completely different (musical) note- the most magnificent James Horner transitioned today! I was so fortune to have seen him at Titanic Live a few weeks ago. What a gentle genius! His music has been a mainstay of countless Hollywood blockbusters. I love film soundtracks and use one of the instrumentals from Avatar as part of my daily meditation (Bioluminescence Of Night). Composers are totally channelling when they do their thang! Truly amazing! Anyhoo, keep up the great daily work. All is well! Happy head in the game-ing!!! Lots of love, Nick Xxx Now, let's call a spade a spade- there is a huge component of physicality involved in playing sports. To be at the top of your game, involves a tremendous amount of athleticism, prowess and conditioning. BUT the mental component cannot be overlooked. It can be the difference between make or break (point!). We live in a magnificent world of diversity. Just look at virtually any popular post on Facebook or YouTube and you'll see how there are so many perceptions of a single event. Some of which you totally agree with and others you are probably like 'WTF are these people on?!' PS If you're reading this from Edinburgh, Glasgow or Newcastle then welcome welcome!!! My groups have just launched up there and I am very excited to teach there at the end of July! The other day I was in the park playing volleyball with the people I train with. And we are all pretty much beginners so at some points it looked more like- try and tap the ball over using your palm/wrist/fingers than proper full out dig/spike/bumping! In fact at the start it was barely making more than a couple of contacts with the ball than a decent rally! Ah I am still feeling mega good after the past few days of groups. I am still so touched and blessed and amazed at the wonderful vibes, loving atmosphere and brilliance we have at the groups. Truly leading edge. As always, a huge thank you for coming along. When you're in a world of a billion options to spend your time, all at the click of a button, thank you for choosing us! The message of the day for me is, to just keep going! We all have our up and down days, months or even years but I cannot emphasise how vitally important it is that you take care of yourself- physically, mentally and hopefully spiritually. Don't beat up on yourself! There'll be times when you fall off whatever wagon it is you are wishing to ride (healthy eating/fitness/doing positivity work etc), just get back on as soon as possible. Knowing that over the long term you are constantly shifting to betterness. Feeling better is the work. Just a wee bit of relief can go a long way! My cutest nephew in the world is one year old today and how blessed we are to know him! Be like a child, in the moment, doing whatever entertains then and there and flying high! Happy long term-ing!!! Lots of love, Nick Xxx OMG!!! Thank you London!!! This the leading edge and Masterminding to the nth degree!!! Wow!!! Xxx18/6/2015 Sweet lord!!! What a freaking amazing leading edge of all leading edge-nesses. Thank you to all the magnificent, eloquent, brave, smart souls for sharing the best of yourselves! And for being respectful by listening to each and offering loving, kind, tender advice! Wow, thank you London so much! As always, I feel like flying sky high after a group! I can't even begin to glean all that we covered... - The power of letting go... This can be difficult but when you release and do your best to withdraw your negative attention, it can really start to allow the good in. Oprah's clip YouTube clip 'Surrender' speaks beautifully to this! - Be kind and loving to yourself. When things are going badly/contrasty, just be kind and easy to yourself. It's all going to be ok, you're doing your best. Just keep repeating soothing thoughts to yourself. - Processes- focus wheels, lists of positive aspects, visualisations can really flip a negative vibration (when you're in the right space). Try it and see what happens! There were tons and tons of wonderful bits of advices and all sorts. And again, thank you for touching base- if you're a regular, newbie or an every-so-often matters not. You are all worthy and brilliant and goodness! Thank you!!! Happy Thank-ing!!! All my love, Nick Xxx Wow wow wow!!! Love love love!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Liverpool!!! What an amazing evening as always! How blessed are we?!?! To be surrounded with so many wonderful people, with all that positive energy, I am sky high!!! Some points: - So many good books out there! Just see what books, audio, YouTube clips and all that good stuff is out there for you. Have a feel for what resonates and BOOM, away you go! - Make peace with where you are! Where you is, is where you is. Ain't no shame or blame in that! Just the thought 'I'm not feeling great now, but I can start to feel a teensy bit better when I choose.' Choice is key, empowerment is key. And all in perfect timing! - Does your belief serve you? What do you believe about all the subjects in your life. If it's good feeling, keep it, if not, change it. Work within your belief system and don't act contrary to it- this will set you up for a much easier life. Today we played the money game. You can download blank play cheques from The Secret website. Fill it in with a large amount and then write down how you'd spend it. You can do any of the following and more: Spend/Save/Invest/Donate. It is yours to do as you see fit. See what crops up- do you find it fun and easy or is it hard and challenging? Practise this game and adapt it as much as you can to all the areas in your life. Most importantly: HAVE FUN! Thank you again Liverpool, so appreciative of each and everyone of you! All is so very well! Lots of love, Nick Xxx Let it go- it's not your Source, tis your mother!!! Claim your own beliefs and live it!!! Xxx16/6/2015 I was at lunch with the family the other day and the people in charge of ordering had gone nuts and we had wayyyy more dishes than we could possibly eat (and trust me, my peoples can eat!). So, I thought 'Ooh, I'll try a bit of this and a wee bit of that and yay, buffet style!' That combined with other people dumping bits in my bowl and I ended up with way too much food than I could eat. I was at work a while ago and one of my co workers says to the other 'You're settling in well here aren't you?' To which he responded 'Yes, I kinda am.' Now although I didn't think he hadn't settled in badly, I didn't think it was over spectacular either. How funny, I was with some peeps a while ago (not purely by choice- although yes, I do know that everything is a choice but still...). And man, were they loud and complainy, I felt so drained after that interaction! I was listening to a teacher speak about buying shares, when to buy them and what some recommendations were. Much like life, there is no right and wrong- one financial advisors says one thing and another says the opposite, yet both can be successful. Apparently Starbucks' share price is at an all time high. Some would say wait for it to dip and then buy, others believe it would still be worth buying now because of the expansion plans they have in place. Money usually elicits some sort of strong reaction within people. Louise Hay says that when she used to teach, she found more people had more stuff about money than sex! Which is quite surprising considering what a push button subject sex is. Wow, what a most wonderful evening we had in Brighton!!! Taking life and learning to new levels! Being in the company with such magnificent leading edge, heart centred people is truly brilliant!!! Loved it so much! I can't get to Brighton as much, so I condense a full workshop into an evening sess. We did: - Some goal setting. Writing what you like to achieve in the future. Start to put your attention on what you do want and how you'd like things to unfold. Beats complaining! - Money- spend that cheque! Write a play cheque for a huge amount and then mentally spend it. You can save, invest, donate, do whatever you want! See what beliefs and stuff comes up for you. You want to be in a good feeling place. - Career- what did you enjoy doing? What do you enjoy doing? And what would you enjoy doing more of? Do more of what you love! And see how your spirit rises! And most likely your bank balance. - Relationship- do a list of positive aspects on someone you love and/or someone who's difficult to love. Do it because you love to love! And then see what the Universe brings you. - Health- prep things that relax you. If you get a cold or other illness it's usually your body saying 'slow down!' I find it too hard to be positive if I'm ill, so I just do my best to go to '0.' Thanks so much for a wonderful workshop! Spend an evening feeling better about stuff and see how good you feel AND all the wonderfulness the Universe brings you. You are perfect. All is so very well. Be easy about it! Happy workshop-ing!!! Lots of love, Nick Xxx So my friend was telling me that the other day, she got home and immediately sensed someone else had been there. The hubby was meant to have been out all day so she figured it wasn't him. So defences up and ready to fight or flight, she gingerly entered the premises... Oh wow!!! How wonderful!!! Another amazing rockin evening!!! Thank you Manchester- let's fly!!! Xxx9/6/2015 Thank you SOOO much Manchester! What a most wonderful evening, being with a group of like minded, feel-good and wanting to feel good peoples as always makes me wanna fly so high!!! Some points: - Follow your joy/bliss. Do more things that connect you with you. Try thinking back to when you were a child. What did you have fun doing? What was the essence? Creativity, helping people, socialising? Do more things which make you happy! - For beginners- try starting small but do something daily. 5-10 mins of breathing/meditation at the start of the day, then a short list of things you appreciate will set you up nicely for the day ahead. - Money game- there are many variations of this. You can mentally spend £50 as many times through your day. Pick a large amount e.g. £10 million and write what you'd spend it on. Pick an amount and increase it daily, e.g. Day 1- mentally spend £1,000, Day 2- £2,000 etc... - There is enough for everyone. No one needs to lose for the other to gain. Focus on the infiniteness that is you and let it in!!! Love you guys lots and lots, thank you for sharing your time and beingness! Happy passion-ing!!! Lots of love, Nick Xxx Thank you Birmingham!!! An amazingly powerful Mastermind group!!! Y'all freaking is amazing!!! Xxx8/6/2015 Thank you Birmingham soooo much for an incredible evening! Napoleon Hill and Abraham speak about the power of more than one mind coming together with exponential beneficial effects. Well tonight was an uber mega Mastermind! A room full of people all sharing their inspirational stories, their working points and everyone supporting with advice and love- life doesn't get any more potent than that!!! Some points: - Ask and it is guaranteed (just get outta the way!). I am loving that as a book title! When you ask, it is given, the Universe answers you and there are a myriad of ways to get what you really want- you just have to get in your good space! - Don't matter what ya do- just have the intention to feel good at the end of it. Whether it's specific focusing or surrendering it to the Universe- make your intention to feel ease and feel good! That is so ridiculously important, feel the ease! - Big up your goodness, play down the not so goodness. If you've got some aspects working really well, keep telling yourself how wonderful it all is and how well you're doing. It can help to work on problems but have the mindset to improve how you feel about it! You want the attitude of 'I did well on this, I know I can do well on this other stuff.' It can be easy to focus on what is wrong and easily forgetting how brilliant we are... and we really are amazing! - If you're new and want to get more advanced, then try sitting down and work to feel better about a subject. Pick something small to medium (maybe not that issue you've been working on for the past 25 years!). And write a list of appreciation about it, script how you want it to be, maybe write all you don't like about it, and the Pivot and write how you want it to be. Whatever you do, just set out to prove to yourself you have that emotional and mental control!!! Have fun, we make far too much of all of this. Lighten up, all is so very well! Happy Master Mind-ing!!! All my love, Nick Xxx Life is like a box of perception... You can only know from your point of view and it can all be shifted, merged and divided depending on where you focus. I was reminiscing about the mischief I got up to whilst in secondary school and boy was it funny! A vivid memory flashed through my mind. |
AuthorHi guys! I'm so excited to be able to document my musings and reflections on life. Hopefully you can be inspired and uplifted! Lots of love, Nick Xxx CategoriesArchives
April 2020