A few points from the evening:
- Do more fun things- because they're fun and also because they'll raise your vibration! Find what lights you up, what makes you feel most joy and love and goodness. It's so important that you do things you enjoy, for the sake of the experience. But you'll also raise your vibration and allow more good in!
- Feel gratitude. For the now, for what's coming and what has been. As you drift off to sleep, rewind the day and look for things you appreciated and seek the thing you most appreciated above all!
- Be kind to yourself and stop all criticism. This is Louise Hay's number 1 top tip for loving the self. Your relationship with you is the most important, so enjoy it as much as you can! It's all you've got.
- Gently follow your intuition. See what your gut says to do and where to go. And see what unfolds. Do it as an experiment and get practised at tuning into your gut feeling!
All is well!!!
Happy gut-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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