A few of the magnificent points:
- There is enough for everyone! The Universe is infinitely abundant in everything you could possibly want. You just have to trust and believe and know that you can, be or do anything you want! Trust dear ones, you are being divinely guided and protected and provided for! Ah, such relief!
- It's all a reflection of self! It really has nowt to do with 'them out there.' How you react is everything! It's all about your relationship with you. The indicators are there to show you what's going inside- if you love it, change nothing. If it's not working for you then change it!
- How do you feel when you see others with what you want? Do you feel happy, joyously expectant? Or do you feel lack or jealousy. This is showing you how you feel about it- it is your job to work to feel better. Once you can, now you're talking- it must be yours!
- You're only human- so please be easy on yourself! If you have a bad day- it's alright, just bear with it, keeping faith that it will pass. All is great here!
All is well!!!
Happy enough-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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