Some stuff we did:
- The cheque and spending game. Pick a large sum of money and write how you would vibrationally spend it. Friends, family, holidays, charities etc. What would help you feel better and make life more fun. How would it feel? Free, easy, choice full? Activate those feelings now!
- A good ol list of positive aspects- this is the bread and butter of processes. Write a list of things you love about a situation, a thing and/or about yourself (that's the best thing really!). As you activate more and more good things, you raise your vibration and the Universe can bring you more goodness!
- Write a list of beliefs and examine them one by one. If it's a good feeling belief and you're happy to have that be true for you, then keep it. If it's bad feeling, doesn't serve you and you don't like it, then change it! Usually the opposite is good to affirm, e.g. 'It's hard to find a partner', becomes- 'it's easy to find a partner'. 'I have to work hard' becomes 'I work smart and my job is easy.' And so on. What you believe will come true for you. And a belief is just a thought you keep on thinking, and a thought can be changed!
- Write down, bullet point, draw how you would like your ideal life to be. Give it as much good feeling thought activation as you can! And ease into it.
All is well!!!
Happy belief-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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