- Nina started the day with clearing clutter, mental and physical. And reflecting on situations that have pushed us to make a change and the positive impact it has had on our lives and how things might be different had we taken another path.
This doesn't mean chuck everything in and go for broke. It can mean simply shifting your perspective so that life just doesn't feel as heavy.
- Gunita covered the power of gratitude and appreciation. Everything from the moment you wake up- give thanks that you're breathing and feeling the well being. Give thanks for the challenges because they make you stronger. There's an infinite amount of things you can give thanks for each and every moment. When you feel that appreciation, it raises your vibration and then allows the Universe to bring you more!
- Kristina asked us to state one area of life and a goal that fit it. To list 5 ways strengths that we have in achieving it and some limiting beliefs that may block this. She then got us to write about some times in our life when we've taken the huge leap of trust. Trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.
Fun quote "People are like teabags- you don't know what they can do until they are put in hot water!"
All is well!!!
Happy tea-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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