A few points from the evening:
- It sometimes gets worse before it gets better. The Herxheimer reaction or the Detox effect is the clearing of old and things getting worse before they get better. When you're on the path to goodness and well being, sometimes it gets horrible, but if you can ride it out, things will get better. For sure!
- Be kind to yourself and be happy. Two of the most wonderful things you could ever do for your mental and spiritual well being. The kinder you are to yourself, the more enjoyable things will be. The happier you are the more good you will attract. It's that simple in theory!
- It's cool to be a sceptic but give it a go first. You don't know if it works or not unless you give it a whirl. Try it out and see if things work. If it doesn't great, do something else. If it does then you've got a new tool in your box!
All is well!!!
Happy kind-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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