A few points from the evening:
- Be appreciative for everything, no matter how big nor how small. And really feel it! As you go about your day, really feel that appreciation for all you have in your life. Your bed, the roof over your head, the electricity, the hot water and so on. Because there are many people without it. Radiate that vibration of love and thanks and you'll draw more good to you!
- It works if you work it! If you keep going and holding your vibration in a positive space as much as you can then you'll see change. Just be easy about it, give it time and trust.
- Focus on what matters to you. Let everyone live the life they want to create and choose to live the life that you want to. That is the key tenet to allowing- letting everyone be who they choose to be and paying attention to who you are and want to be!
All is well!!!
Happy focus-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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