But now they're gone, I do so appreciate them ha! The bins get filled quite quickly and lord help the office if there's smelly foodstuff left around.
You don't know what ya got til it's gone! But now, I do appreciate it when the cleaners come in every other day!
That's why the basic adage of being grateful for what you have is always so appropriate. There is so much to appreciate in the now that we forget about and take for granted. But also the bigger things we can overlook. It's much easier to appreciate and keep things in a good state of being, than to try and fix something from a place of brokenness.
Love the rubbish collectors, the cleaners, the cooks, the supermarkets, the teachers, the bus drivers, the train drivers, the shop assistants, the shelf stackers and so forth ad nauseam! For without them, it'd be really hard to get things done!
All is well!!!
Happy clean-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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