Louise Hay and Esther Hicks are my fave teachers ever! It's quite easy to look at them and think that they are perfect and so are there lives but they have their issues.
I loved the EFT video with Louise and Nick Ortner, her little tapping sequence at the end is wonderful. So powerful. But the memory that came up for her was when her stepfather used physically abuse her- something which went back 60+ years ago!
It just goes to show that the queen of self help still has much to clear up. But what she does so well, is that she works it! And she really does!
Turn inwards, you have all the answers you have within yourself. Your connection to your inner being is precious, so powerful, so infinite it would blow your mind away to know what it holds for you.
You know best for you, take in everyone's advice and opinions but filter that which resonates. No one can know for you because no one knows you more than you know yourself.
You are perfect as you are because you are who you are! You are doing your best at all times because that's all you can do! So be easy about it.
All is well!!!
Happy perfect-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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