He then said he had to turn into Oprah by saying that he really had to be mindful, to wake himself up and enjoy the now. The goodness of his career as it was at present.
Tony commented on how you can be so future focused- what's the next project going to be and the next and where will I be in 'x' amount of months time?! You lose the sense of enjoyment of your successful now.
And that can be so easy to do- we spend our time lost in the past, or worrying about what could be in the future, we lose sight of how good our lives our now! And things really are magnificent!
It can be easy to be sucked into the news and media and what's going on round the world, but we need to remind ourselves of the dominant well being that exists.
All is well!!!
Happy develop-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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