She organised the body-mind-illness list she created, as she found that certain conditions tended to relate to certain patterns of thought. Her friend said in passing to her- 'Why don't you create a book out of it?' And that was the start of the 'Heal Your Life' magic. The book is reported to have sold many tens of millions of copies and is one of history's best sellers- all from that single tiny idea!
I think what is so good with Louise is that she's open and willing to do whatever lay in front of her. Be it posting books in the mail, an interview or writing a book. And as she says- life took over. It exploded and took her to the next level!
But none of that would've happened had she talked herself out of it or ignored the suggestions. Hearing stuff is one thing but to take positive action is another.
Find out what motivates you and just be open to trying something's which resonate. Don't let that voice of terror talk you out of stuff which feels good and could take you to the next level. Be easy about it all!
All is well!!!
Happy advice-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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