I love what Louise Hay says when she declared in an old DVD that she's willing to hold her hand out and offer help and if you want to take it you can but if not, then that's your choice. Everyone has a choice and it's their right to decide what to do with their life- whether you agree with it or not!
This life is one big experience and the only way to know is to get out there and live it! That doesn't mean jumping on a plane and ditching everything to go hike Machu Picchu (though it might!). It's more of a case of not being paralysed by fear and doing anything with all the wonderful resources at your fingertips!
Explore, learn, try, succeed, fail- it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. You'll be adding massively to your Vortex of well being and clarifying what you do and do not want out of life!
All is well!!!
Happy try-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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