There are many ways to tackle this one but first and foremost it comes down to your relationship with you. Because everything is a mirror, it helps to look inwards- why do you want a relationship in the first place and what can you do to generate the feelings and be happy in the meantime?
To which she looked a bit puzzled- how can one be happy and feel as if you have the thing you want, when you don't have the thing you want?! But that is the work! For many reasons but one of the main ones being- when you think of that thing you don't have, it's usually activating the lack of the thing you don't have, which in turn makes you feel worse and exacerbates the lack.
How do you want to feel and why do you want something is a good way of softening the resistance, becoming the person you want to attract can also help.
The goal is to somehow feel better about not having what you want and knowing that you can and will have it. Tricky but feeling good/better is really the work. Whatever it takes to get there! And you will see the manifestations later results!
All is well!!!
Happy happy-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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