WHAT: Your emotions are your guidance through life. Abraham gives us an emotional scale ranging from the lower feelings (depression, anger) to the highest (love, appreciation). This is quite an advanced technique so see how it goes. You’re offering self talk or writing things that takes a situation that you don’t feel great about and working it into a higher state. Identify where you are on the scale and seek to move up a step or two, when you’ve stabilized in this, then move up and up as much as you can.
EXAMPLE: This is a summarized scale (see Ask And It Is Given by Abraham Hicks for the full whack): Depression/Powerless-Anger-Frustration-Hope-Love/Appreciation
My boss who I don’t like – I feel so powerless, I don’t feel I have any power over my career and am at the mercy of his decisions. Damnit- I am so angry about how my boss speaks to me, he is such a ****! Why doesn’t he speak to me with a little respect? I do find him quite frustrating to deal with, this issue at work is annoying. But now that I’ve thought about it, I really hope I can clear this issue up, I try to feel better as much as I can about my life and hope to shift this. In fact, for the most part I do love my job, I’m sure my boss is doing his best, I can remember that time he gave me the day off because I had an emergency, I really appreciate that he is organized and gets the job done well, he is quite kind and thoughtful and fair. He is really quite a good boss!
WHY: This is a powerful process if you can take the time to do the work. It is quite an advanced technique as you have to be self aware and identify where you are on the scale and then coax yourself up to the next stages. You may wish to enlist a supportive friend to help you. However, if you can truly release resistance and feel that emotion of relief, it can be staggering what manifests in addition to you feeling good!
All is well!!!
Happy scale-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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