Some key points:
- Life is like a trail (of chocolates... Lol). You're walking along and on the side of the path, you see some leaves, trees and maybe a snake or something you find unpleasant. And just because you came across it once, you can have a tendency to carry that with you for the rest of your trip (usually the fear or terror you experienced), when it was just a momentary flash of negativity. That is to say, just because something happened in the past, it doesn't mean you have to carry that baggage with you forever! Work with your now.
- Similarly, they spoke of back in the day when Esther and Jerry were driving along. Esther was following the GPS, when Jerry noticed she was going in exactly the wrong, opposite direction. Esther suggested going back and retracing at what point it went wrong, but Jerry said that maybe it was a good idea to just continue from where they were at.
- They used the analogy of driving along a motorway and they have the rumble strips along each lane to let you know when you're veering off the road. This is similar to your emotional indicator letting you know when you're not in alignment with who you really are. Whilst it's not the end of the world if you go completely off and end up in a ditch, it's easier if you can catch it in the earlier stage!
- Every single moment is a manifestation. Because you're always experiencing and always creating. Manifestations don't refer only to the big events and stuff, it's referring to everything around you.
- Move with the flow of the motion. When you're on a ship, you don't stand rigid thinking to yourself that you shall not move when it sways from side to side. Instead, you would be best served by relaxing and moving in the direction that it's going. It makes for an infinitely easier ride!
- Politicians are extensions of Source to! Ha! They argue their case and pick the side they want to defend because that's what their life experience has carved out for them. They are entitled to think and act and say what they want, because they have lived their life. Your job is just to stay in your power and good feeling and pay attention to the details of your life. Can't you just feel the tension release when you realise that everyone gets to live their life in way of their choosing and it doesn't need to impact you at all?! Because you are the creator of your own reality!
- When you're in alignment, nothing bothers you. But when you're out of alignment, then anything can. Your decisions and actions will be inspired to where you are dominantly vibrating. So just be sure to get yourself in as good as space as you can before jumping into anything!!!
So much more was covered! Such a good day!!!
All is well!!!
Happy lecture-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx