WHAT: Simply list, visualize, do, imagine some hobbies you really love to do or would love to do. If you had all the infinite resources in the Universe, then what would you do to fill your days?
EXAMPLE: I would love to go dancing a few times a week, to have a few friends I can go out clubbing with, our favourite music blasting and us just letting loose. I would love to travel around the world, seeing all the different countries and cultures, observing and absorbing all that the world has to offer etc…
WHY: As we grow up, it’s easy to forget what is our passion and what we enjoy. We don’t make enough time to do what we love in life as our responsibilities take precedent. But as you do more good feeling things, you’ll attract more things and the Universe will support your heart’s desires.
All is well!!!
Happy hobby-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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