WHAT: This is offering a stream of sentences about what you would like to happen beginning with ‘Wouldn’t it be nice…’ As you offer these ease filled statements, your vibration rises and lifts and you feel that ease running through you. State the in the positive and not what you don’t want e.g. Wouldn’t it be nice if I was early? vs wouldn’t it be nice if I wasn’t late?
EXAMPLE: Wouldn’t it be nice if there was seat on the bus for me on my way to work? Wouldn’t it be nice if won the lottery tonight? Wouldn’t it be nice if my meeting with my boss today finished early? Wouldn’t it be nice if I won a free cruise? Wouldn’t it be nice if my favourite meal was being served in the restaurant? Wouldn’t it be nice if skin cleared up and I could eat anything I wanted?
WHY: Instead of focusing on the rigid way things must be, or thinking about what we don’t want, this offers some nice and light statements in an attempt to work some ease into your consciousness. It gently raises your vibration allowing you to enjoy it all a bit more.
All is well!!!
Happy wouldn’t-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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