WHAT: Pick one situation that you’d like to happen and list all the ways you can think of it happening. Try to be imaginative, fun and open up your consciousness to what’s possible.
EXAMPLE: Clearing my skin- I could have a spontaneous healing. My digestive system could fix itself. They could invent an organic, natural chocolate product which is delicious, and great for the skin. I could be paid £100,000 to try a new, safe cream. A science company pays me to fly abroad to see if the warm weather can help clear my skin. By visualizing my beautiful skin, it has a powerful effect on my body. My affirmations work. Eating cake does wonders for my health. Dancing and having fun releases all the toxins from my body.
WHY: Sometimes we get locked in our thinking and can only see one possible way it would come (e.g. receiving great abundance through the lottery). As we open our mind to all the different ways the Universe can satisfy our desires, we open our beliefs, consciousness and expectations to what could be. We can therefore be inspired with the least amount of effort to get what we want in life.
All is well!!!
Happy list-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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