WHAT: If you’ve got a long list of things you need to do and you’re feeling overwhelmed, we recommend you split it into two lists. One that you will commit to doing and that you will definitely complete that day and on the other list, the things you are going to release to the Universe to do.
What I will definitely do today: Call Joan to schedule the meeting. Go and get the shopping for the weekend. Book a dentist appointment. Write Mark’s birthday card. Have fun. Relax. Breathe.
What the Universe will do: Speed up my credit card application. Get someone to help with my new project. Line up some job interviews. Provide me with an easy day.
WHY: As you make lists of things to do, everything usually seems more manageable. As you check things off your list you’ll want to do more. Also, the relief you feel in mentally delegating things off will help you release that feeling of resistance and free up your vibration to feel good- the best state to have things flow.
All is well!!!
Happy placemat-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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