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Well done! You made it through the 31 days!!! (Or you just happened to read this blog lol). Hopefully you’ve had fun, learned a lot and raised your vibration tremendously. You can review and pick your favourite processes and do them daily, you can work through all of them again in February or just pick one and do it as often as you can. The choice my dear, is yours! If you can do some daily techniques then I really recommend it. I’ve given you a huge variety of things to work through so hopefully at least one has hit the spot. Just keep going, keep being conscious and watch how life changes for you! Love you lots, Nick Xxx
NAME OF PROCESS: My Most Perfect Life
WHAT: This is a nice exercise to wrap it all up. Here, you write about your ideal life. You can write it in the past, present or future tense- whatever works best for you. Keep it fun, focused on what you do want and go as big or as small as you’d like. Enjoy it and feel those good feelings flow through you as you see your ideal life. As usual, I suggest the four areas (abundance/money, relationships, career, health) but you can do whatever resonates with you most.
EXAMPLE: Money- I am a billionaire and I get to enjoy the most luxurious things this planet has to offer. I invest, save and donate in equal measure to things which are closest to my heart. I see the world in first class and appreciate all the good that surrounds me.
Career- I am involved in so many wonderful projects, I get to express myself creatively, I connect with so many fantastic people, changing lives and having so much fun in the process. I get to travel first class and am treated with love and respect by everyone I meet.
Health- I am healthy, I feel energized and vibrant. I sleep incredibly well and feel refreshed and powerful. I eat delicious, nutritious foods and my body processes them with ease and grace. I love to dance often and exercise well. I have the most gorgeous, clear skin and feel confident about my body.
Relationships- my family and friends love me and I love them. I am so blessed to be surrounded with good, loving, supportive people. I have a partner who I love and who loves me so much, we have the best time together. Most importantly, I love myself first and foremost. My relationship with me and me is so precious and love and treasure who I am. All is well in my world. I breathe easy and relax.
WHY: You are putting your energy on what you do want in life. As you set the thoughts, feelings and energy in motion, so you will draw to you more things which are a match to this. Also, it’s a fun exercise to do and gets you thinking about what you would like from life. You are the creator of your own reality!
All is well!!!
Happy life-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx