I realise what a heartbreaking thing it can be to not be able to have a child or your own. Having seen my sister raise my gorgeous nephew fills me with such love and joy that little else can match. BTW, parenting is like the hardest job EVER! So props if you're a parent or carer!
However, for whatever reasons, it isn't always possible to have a child of one's own. And similar to any desire which doesn't seem to be coming into fruition, you need to be able relax and be easy about it!
It can quite literally drive you insane (as it did her!). You have to enjoy all the wonderful steps along the way to want you want. It isn't even necessarily about getting the end goal. It's the focus, it's the life force being pulling you forward through life, giving you a reason to wake up in the morning!
So take a chill dill, relax and flow. If for nothing else than your mental well being! Ha!
All is well!!!
Happy Yerma-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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